FOCUS(1)(2) is a licensed financial advisory team (accredited under OnePlatform Wealth Management Limited) under AGBA Group, and is one of the largest and most well established licensed financial advisory teams in Hong Kong, offering wide range of products, covering insurance, MPF, funds, mortgages, and overseas property #. We also tailor make financial solutions for different customers according to their needs and goals.
To accomplish this, FOCUS(1)(2) analyse and compare a wide range of diversified products to precisely match the customer’s financial plans and deliver positive results.
The “+” symbol in our FOCUS(1)(2) brand logo symbolises our spirit of providing added value services and going the extra mile for our customers. This customer-centric approach lies at the core of our brand and constantly focuses our efforts on our customers’ needs by applying new financial technology to provide value-added services and bring positive change to our customers’ lives through financial planning.
Everyone’s financial needs are different, and every client expects and deserves the utmost integrity from their licensed financial advisors. This is why the FOCUS(1)(2) team adheres to the highest principles at all times and always puts the interests and needs of customers first. Thus ensures the highest quality of considerate and understanding service and sets new standards for professional financial management.
Value Added
FOCUS(1)(2) combines the intimate services of licensed financial advisors with innovative financial planning tools to continuously optimise our customer service experience.
By relying on their professionalism and rich experience, our licensed financial advisors carefully analyse and compare different financial products to ensure the best match for each customer’s needs. Our licensed advisors help with financial strategies to achieve each customer’s financial goals at different stages of their lives and bring positive benefits to their personal financial management.
Select the most appropriate financial products for customers
With the support of the Group’s unique omnichannel one-stop financial business solution platform, OnePlatform, FOCUS(1)(2) brings together many renowned financial partners to offer a full range of financial products and services spanning Insurance(1), MPF(1), Funds & Investment Portfolio Services(2), International Properties(4), Mortgages & Lending(3) and Trust Services Referral(5). FOCUS(1)(2) licensed financial advisors (accredited under OnePlatform Wealth Management Limited and/or OnePlatform Asset Management Limited) analyse and compare the products of different providers in a professional way to select the most appropriate financial products for customers, helping people enjoy wealth with the ease they deserve.
One of the leading financial advisory teams
FOCUS(1)(2) team adheres to the highest principles at all times and always puts the interests and needs of customers first. Thus ensures the highest quality of considerate and understanding service and sets new standards for professional financial management.
Innovative financial tools
FOCUS(1)(2) financial advisors are empowered with innovative financial tools to devise financial plans based on your financial needs and risk appetite. We perform periodical reviews of your plan and make timely adjustments as needed to optimize customer service experience.
FOCUS(1)(2) is one of the leading financial advisory teams in Hong Kong, serving over 200,000 customers with professional licensed financial advisors. With the support of the Group’s unique omnichannel one-stop financial business solution platform, OnePlatform#, FOCUS(1)(2) financial advisors analyse and compare the products of different providers in a professional way to select the most appropriate financial products for customers. As your financial partner in life, we will devise financial plans based on your financial needs for different stages of life.
Life Protections
Health Protections
Saving Protections
Asset Management
General Insurance
International Properties
Corporate Insurance
If you have any enquries please contact us by phone at +852 3601 8000 or e-mail at [email protected] .
# Notes:
(1) Insurance and MPF schemes brokerage services are provided by OnePlatform Wealth Management Limited ( respectively an Insurance Broker Company with HKIA Licence No. FB1452 and Principal Intermediary with MPF Registration No. IC000579)
(2) Fund products, portfolio management services are distributed and/or rendered by OnePlatform Asset Management Limited (a licensed corporation with SFC CE No. AFQ784).
(3) Money lender business (including mortgage) are provided by OnePlatform Credit Limited (Money Lenders Licence Number 0962/2024).
(4) Any estate agency business exclusively in relation to properties outside Hong Kong are provided by OnePlatform International Property Limited.
(5) Any other non-regulated products and/or services are provided by subsidiaries of AGBA Group Inc.
(6) (a) Healthcare services, with professional consultations from health monitoring to pathology analysis, are rendered by a strategic partner of AGBA Group Holding Limited, namely, HCMPS Healthcare Holdings Limited and its associated company (collectively “HCMPS”). (b) Medical services, as well as healthcare services, are rendered by Kwai Fong Medical Centre Limited (trading as Kwai Fong Medical Centre) and Laguna City Medical & Dental Centre Limited (trading as Laguna City Medical Centre) and/or any other centre(s) from time to time under HCMPS.
(7) Information consultancy services and/or data processing services etc. (including but not limited to back-office management support, sales management support, sales services hotline and data management services) are rendered by a strategic partner of AGBA Group Inc.
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